Practical uses of the course

 This course could not come at a better time. However, concurrently applying the concepts in the class has taken a significant amount of time, which unfortunately caused me to start to neglect portions of the class itself. 

While I've not kept up well with the required assignments, I'm happy to say I have indeed already applied the concepts in a real-world scenario as I've been developing a new class to teach non-public affairs soldiers how to support public affairs operations within their units. These soldiers, known as unit public affairs representatives (or UPARs), will help ensure the PA is incorporated into their planning, take photo/video of events, write stories, and escort media. 

My primary responsibility has been developing the periods of instruction for a four day course to train them on the necessary skills to accomplish this. Outside of this coursework, I've used the concepts of retrieval and interleaving to create quizzes and practical exercises that can be found at the links below. 

Hopefully, in some small way, these could be used as a substitute for the assignments given in the class as my time during the past few weeks has focused on applying the concepts learned. 

If not, I accept that. 

Retrieval quiz that also incorporates reflection and elaboration:

Photo "Generation" exercise where they are given a type of photo and have to upload an example of that.

Retrieval quiz that requires students to write a caption for a photo (will be done multiple times throughout the week):


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